On 31st May 2022 we held our 1st online conference:
Pedestals, Pulpits & Pews:
Perspectives on Bullying in
The Church of England
The Videos of the Morning Presentations are online
Please go to Conferences on the Top Menu
to watch the videos.
See our Synod posters for 2023 by ABEL@SYNOD on the menu
The Venerable Mark Ireland, Archdeacon of Blackburn's Private Members' Motion
to the General Synod of the Church of England concerning bullying by lay officers of
the Church has now passed the threshold to enable it to be debated.
Read more about it under Synod News
We hope to present a petition to the General Synod of the Church of England, asking them as the governing body of the Church of England to formally recognise that bullying is potentially as harmful behaviour as other forms of abuse, and to therefore require those with responsibility for safeguarding to consider complaints about bullying where harm is alleged to have occurred under the Church of England's safeguarding procedures.
This is in no way intended to trivialise or reduce the gravity of sexual or other forms of abuse, but to acknowledge the massive harm which bullying causes to its victims.
If you would like to support this, please click here to go to 38 Degrees who are hosting this petition for us.