Following our Online Conference organised in collaboration with
St Augustine's Theological College on 31 May,
We displayed this poster at the meeting of the
The General Synod of the Church of England
at the University of York
on 8 - 12 July 2022
This led to a number of very interesting conversations with people attending the Synod, and also to, we believe, greater awareness of this serious issue.
Amongst people with whom we had discussions was the Venerable Mark Ireland, Archdeacon of Blackburn, who announced to Synod that he intends to introduce a Private Members' Motion aimed at reducing bullying of clergy by members of the congregation. We hope that this may be considered when the General Synod next meets in February 2023.
You can watch the announcement by clicking on the Menu Item Synod News
You can download a copy of the poster we displayed in .PDF format by clicking here